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Beard Care Kit

For more then just the hipsters

Did you also have this friend who knows all about hair growing because he's making him grow for many years now? Way before the Hipster trend was a thing. Well, my friend, Giuseppe, was the first to open a barbershop in our hometown in Barletta. And he told me that he'd created his routine. By now, you may guess that I also do want to get my beard. You ask me why? Well, you know why a man wants a beard...No mine is only for pure pleasure to see my face transform with this new look. And, yeah, I think I'll be hopefully more attractive. As I sad he got it all, the soap bar the shampoo what oil to use and how often you should trim it. He proposed me to try a out one of his basic kit which include all the necessary with a guideline on how to use everything for better result. I'm going to honest I do feel a little anxious about it. If I remember clearly the last time I got a king of mustache was in high school. Whoa a decade time fly. So I'll give it a try and you should to, and I'll keep you updated in a few weeks. So we can catch up and let you know if my baby has been grow tremendously are not. And won't forget to check to let you know if Giuseppe's Barber Shop became successful, as we hope.
  • Prezzo 50,00 €
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Beard Care Kit
Beard Care Kit
Beard Care Kit
Beard Care Kit
Beard Care Kit
Beard Care Kit

Beard Care Kit:  

It's been a few months already, so my beard is now few millimeters long, it's precisely 15 mm, Giuseppe measure it, when I pass by Friday night. The place was insanely packed. I couldn't even move out of my chair. Poor Giuseppe, he won't have the chance to come with me to the new restaurant in town. His business keep him so busy that he almost forget to tell how to not overuse the balm. Yeah I got generous with it. Didn't expected to be so greasy. Indeed, the kit is worthy of a newcomer in the beard world, but if you need few tips on how to manage the first few weeks. Because, yeah, the look is not terrible, the first few days, but it gets better, I promise from an Italian buddy cheer up.

If not, you can always contact one of the Golden moment customer services who will be glad to guide as they did for me to receive my package. Either by phone at +39.0294.7592.89 or by email at info@goldenmoments.it or even on their Live Chat web page.

Codice : IT10060092

Beard Care Kit:

Beard Care Kit: Disponibilità

Beard Care Kit: Curiosità

Beard Care Kit: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 50,00 €
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Medieval Banquet in Verona, Italy Mi è sempre piaciuto organizzare feste a tema con amici e per questo ho voluto provare il banchetto medievale...tutto è organizzato alla prefezione e gli attori in costume sono molto divertenti e disponibili! Ale

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