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From St Petersburg: Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission with tour

Esperienza internazionale : Federazione Russa
Book your Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission and tour from St Petersburg with Golden Moments to visit a magnificent Russian' Tsar's imperial residence
  • Prezzo 112,74 €
  • Quantità:
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From St Petersburg: Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission with tour
From St Petersburg: Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission with tour
From St Petersburg: Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission with tour
From St Petersburg: Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission with tour

From St Petersburg: Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission with tour:  

During your excursion from Saint Petersburg to the Imperial Residence of Peterhof, you will be picked up from your hotel and arrive at the palace to skip-the-line for special early admission.

Peter the Great was once inspired by the splendor of France's Versailles and decided to create a private residence named Peterhof (translated from German as 'Peter's Court) where the fountains, palaces, park constructions and flowerbeds will enthrall you.

The Grand Palace of Peterhof lies in the center, characterized by striking sumptuous exteriors. See the damage from World War II in the palatial interiors which were completely renovated following the war.

After exploring the palace, take a stroll along the brilliant Lower Gardens to see the countless fountains glittering in the sunlight.

You may either keep on exploring the park with your guide or savor a substantial lunch at a park cafe before heading back to the city.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Professional English-speaking tour guide
  • Driver services for the duration of the tour
  • Admission to Grand Palace of Peterhof
  • Admission to Lower Gardens


5 ore

Orari di aperture


Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour semi-privato

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Lunch (you will have a chance to get a snack/coffee at a park cafe, if you wish)
  • Tips (recommended)

Codice : MTZ10024542

From St Petersburg: Peterhof Grand Palace and Park VIP admission with tour:

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  • Prezzo 112,74 €
  • Quantità:
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