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Adventure Tour In Central Italy

Adrenalinic Activities in Rome and Viterbo
Breathtaking Views Above the Sky
Adveturous Excursion in the Italian Countryside

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
Saint Augustine

Are you planning to visit Italy? Do you someone who love adrenalinic moments?
Do you want to feel alive while visiting in a brand new location?
Golden Moments came up with this box just for you!

Our qualified experience hunters arranged this experiential tour to give you the chance to live your best life while visiting Italian most famous cities: you'll see Rome from a privileged view while going through the sky above the Italian capital city.

You will be driven to Viterbo to experience a horse riding, in a wild countryside outside the small town. Get yourself ready to jump out of a flying aircraft, open your chute and land on Latium/Umbria soil.

Don't waste the chance to have this trip: an all-inclusive vacation is waiting for you! Adventurous activities, hotel stay, city transfer, and many other options are available to you for free!
You just need to click on "purchase": while you're dreaming of your holiday, we'll be arranging everything for you, so as to have you live the best time in Italy you can find.

For further information you can contact us by phone at 0294 759 289 or email us at You can even use our instant reply live chat service.
  • Prezzo 4500,00 €
  • Quantità:
Vuoi aggiungere un extra al tuo regalo?
Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
Un valore aggiunto al tuo regalo - Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema: soluzione disponibile in tutta Italia
Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
Aggiungi una Gift Card Trasporto e rendi completo il tuo regalo!
Adventure Tour In Central Italy
Adventure Tour In Central Italy
Adventure Tour In Central Italy
Adventure Tour In Central Italy
Adventure Tour In Central Italy
Adventure Tour In Central Italy

Adventure Tour In Central Italy :  

The experience

You will enjoy a 8 day / 7 night adventurous holiday in Italy, and have the chance to visit Rome and tour around Latium, staying in a pleasant medieval town named Viterbo. Your trip starts in Rome, where a choffeur will be at the airport to pick you up and drive you to the hotel. You will spend 3 days in Rome, and and collect memorable moments while flying above the city and visiting the main roman masterpieces.
After leaving Rome you'll be driven to the biggest medieval city in Italy: Viterbo
In this small town, 60 km away from Rome, you'll spend the next 3 days, touring around Latium, the city and enjoying some spare time to full immerge in the italian life.
Some adrenalinic experience will entertain you here as well! Let's start horseriding in a savage truck in the latium countryside: you will enojoy breathtaking views and animal sightings while trying to tame your horse.
Golden Moments prepared for you a parachute jump as well, to increase the adrenaline level in your blood. Don't miss out this opportunity and exit from your confort zone: challenging yourself is the best way to collect unforgettable memories.

The Tour

Day 1: Arrival in the morning or afternoon, pick up at the airport, hotel accomodation. You'll have the rest of the day to wonder around Rome freely.

Day 2: Airplane Lesson: You will enjoy a theorical course on how to drive an aircraft and then challenge yourself by driving a real plane, over Roman countryside.

Day 3: Rome: You can spend the whole day visiting the main attractions for free, such as piazza del Colosseo (Colosseum Square) and Piazza san Pietro in Vaticano (San Pietro Square). We warmly suggest you to have a look at the Pantheon, Trevi's fountain, Piazza di Spagna (Spagna's Square) and Trinità dei monti (Spanish steps). You can walk in Piazza Navona (Navona's Place) or enter for free to San Luigi dei Francesi Church, where a painture by Caravaggio is exposed.

Day 4: You'll enojoy a free morning in Rome, you can take advantage of to do some shopping: we suggest you to start from Piazza della Repubblica (Repubblica square) and walk all the way down to Via del Corso, where you'll find many international brands and some typical stores to buy souvenirs (you will also find the prestigoius italian luxury firms boutiques in Via dei Condotti). At the end of the street you will see in front of you the impressive Altare della patria. You can still keep on walking from piazza Venezia to Galleria Borghese and enjoy the afternoon in the park. Later on you will leave for Viterbo.

Day 5: Horse riding: You will be driven to a ranch in the countryside and get in the saddle. Wild thoroughbreds will be waiting for you. Your horseback tour starts now. You will enojoy a typical rustic italian lunch at the end of the experience.

Day 6: You will be driven to a new venue, where to pratice parachuting! Fly over Viterbo and Terni, in the umbrian countryside, breath deeply and jump down to the earth. Amaze fun fun is comining down with you.
In the afternoon you can wonder around Viterbo: come and see the medieval ruines in the city centre, while passing through via San Pellegrino. You will arrive in front of Palazzo degli Alessandri and Casa Poscia. Each stone building you will see still mantains medieval features, such as archs and lodges. Don't miss up visiting romanic San Lorenzo's Cathedral as well.

Day 7: You can either keep visiting Viterbo or enojoy a trip in the close by towns: You can choose among Civita di Bagnoregio (so called "The dying city"); Bomarzo, which hosts the monster park; Orvieto and it's wonderful Church; Montefiascone, a little historical centre and Bolsena Lake, which is about 10 km away from this town, and where you can enojoy a delicious seafood based lunch.

Day 8: You will be driven back to the airport and fly out Rome.

What's included?

  • Round trip tickets to Rome FCO or CIA - Economy fare
  • 3 Nights in Rome in 4**** Hotel 
  • 4 Nights in Viterbo in 4**** Hotel 
  • Breakast and Dinner 
  • Transfer from and to Airport and to Viterbo
  • Horse Riding excursion
  • Parachute jump
  • Airplane Driving Lesson


This is a 8 day and 7 night journey.


The price shown is for 2 people


All the year, but we suggest you to book at least 8 weeks in advance to be sure to get availability.


This product is not available during religious and Italian bank holidays.

Codice : IT10066792

Adventure Tour In Central Italy :

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Adventure Tour In Central Italy : Disponibilità

All the year, but we suggest you to book at least 8 weeks in advance to be sure to get availability.

Adventure Tour In Central Italy : Curiosità

Adventure Tour In Central Italy : Non sono ancora sicuro

Adventure Tour In Central Italy : Restrizioni

This product is not available during religious and Italian bank holidays.
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  • Prezzo 4500,00 €
  • Quantità:
Vuoi aggiungere un extra al tuo regalo?
Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
Un valore aggiunto al tuo regalo - Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema: soluzione disponibile in tutta Italia
Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
Aggiungi una Gift Card Trasporto e rendi completo il tuo regalo!

Adventure Tour In Central Italy : Prodotti Alternativi

Cofanetto Brivido dell'Adrenalina in Italia Cofanetto Brivido dell'Adrenalina in Italia Un mix di esperienze da brivido per scoprire a fondo l'Italia! x131 - Antey-Saint-Andrè, in provincia di Aosta, Torino, San Marzano Oliveto, Asti, Piemonte, Lesa, Lago Maggiore, Torino, Torre Canavese, Torino, Pragelato, Val Troncea presso Resort Village, Torino, via Sempione 49, Sesto Calende (VA), Bresso, Milano, Solferino, Mantova, Voghera, Pavia, Latina, Ardenno, Sondrio, Lombardia, Sicilia, Calvisano, Buttrio, Udine, Jesolo, Venezia, Meolo, Venezia, San Stino fi Livenza, Venezia, Pornassio, Imperia, Santo Stefano al Mare, Imperia, Finale Ligure, Savona, Varazze, Savona, Firenze (FI), Monte Argentario, Grosseto, Sorano, Grosseto, Isola d'Elba, Toscana, Abruzzo, Roma, Roma, Roma, Isola dell'Asinara, Trentino Orientale - Sulle Dolomiti, Montefalcone del Sannio, Campobasso, Dolomiti - Canal San Bovo, Pozzuoli, Napoli, Napoli, Salerno, Castellana Grotte, Bari, Santa Maria di Leuca, Salento, Vieste, Puglia, Salento, Pisticci, Matera, Reggio Calabria (RC), Marina di Gioisa Marea, Reggio Calabria, Provincia di Catania, Trecastagni, Catania, Palermo (PA), Siracusa (SR), Marsala, Trapani, San Vero Milis, Oristano, Alghero, Sassari, Aosta, Cisliano (MI), Circuito Tazio Nuvolari, Pavia, Valsesia, Rozzano, Circuito Internazionale Varano (Parma), Umbria, Terni, Il nordic walking si svolge in Umbria, nel Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, Monte Cucco, Provincia di Perugia, Pian del Falco, Modena, Torino, Chieti, Latina, Pavia, Ortona, Lombardore - Torino, Il Sagittario - Latina, Castelletto di Branduzzo - Pavia, Casale di Monferrato (Alessandria), Calvisano, Casale Monferrato (Alessandria), Provincia di Napoli - Acerra. , Piemonte, Loreto (AN), Sardegna, Campobasso, Abruzzo, Bologna, Firenze , Latina, Lago Maggiore , Abruzzo, Torino, Cassino, Rozzano, Verona, Udine, Carolina Ranch, Bologna, Dolomiti - Canal San Bovo, Torino, Cagliari, Pertosa (SA), Rozzano, Latina, Trento, Bracciano, Rozzano, Lio Piccolo, Calabria, Lago Maggiore , Pavia, Cala Gonone - Sardegna, portofino, Bari, Provincia di Sondrio, Pertosa (SA) , Montecatini Terme, Venezia, Pompei, Venezia, Firenze, Precenicco - Udine, Rozzano, Napoli, Milano, Venezia, Latina, Roma, Venezia, Il Sagittario - Latina, Venezia, Blessagno (Como), Roma, Udine, Milano 100,00 €
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