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Ancient Naples Tour: Above and Underground

Get all the best information for the Ancient Naples: Above and Underground and book your tickets, skipping the line, at official rates. Get informed, plan and book your tour in advance around Italy.
  • Prezzo 89,16 €
  • Quantità:
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Ancient Naples Tour: Above and Underground
Ancient Naples Tour: Above and Underground
Ancient Naples Tour: Above and Underground
Ancient Naples Tour: Above and Underground

Ancient Naples Tour: Above and Underground:  

Naples is a city whose roots run deep. Its complex history is so profound that only a visit beneath the present-day city surface will uncover the complete picture. The historical center of Naples articulates the stratification of various eras and how preexisting levels have encompassed later ones. Underneath the chaotic alleys of the historic center lies a curious maze of tunnels, imperial structures and cisterns.

During this three-hour Underground Naples walk, you will explore unassuming places scattered throughout the historical centre that offer an archaeologist's point of view of the enigmatic past of this city. The tour will begin at the Duomo, the cathedral of Naples and the heart of Catholic culture in the city.

Contrasting against the Baroque splendor of subsequent eras, your group will observe how the ancient sometimes flows seamlessly into the present. You will stroll along the lively streets of the city center that still follow the ancient decumani, main Roman roads. These thoroughfares illustrate the vivid sights, sounds and smells of Neapolitan street life. Located right off the via Tribunali, the decumanus major, the excavation underneath the Gothic church of San Lorenzo Maggiore is one of the key places to view the traces of the ancient city.

You will descend into a series of ancient streets that date from the 1st and 3rd century B.C., where various building typologies line the streets; the aerarium, where the city's riches were held, the bakery, laundry and the suggestive cryptoporticus. Beneath the Roman buildings lay slabs of tufo rock that date back to the Greek era. By the end of this walk, you will have a much clearer understanding of the evolution of Naples, as a city, and a deep appreciation for its current attempts to salvage its priceless links to its illustrious past.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Archaeological ruins underneath the Duomo and the San Lorenzo church.

Punto d' Incontro

Meet your docent in front of the church of Il Gesu' Nuovo, located in Piazza del Gesu' in Naples. The facade of the church is dark stone with a diamond pattern. Though you are prepaid for the walk, you will be responsible for any entrance fees (usually 8 euro).


2 ore

Orari di aperture

Daily except Friday

Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour semi-privato

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese

Codice : IT10023013

Ancient Naples Tour: Above and Underground:

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  • Prezzo 89,16 €
  • Quantità:
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