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Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour

  • Prezzo 27,66 €
  • Quantità:
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Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
Un valore aggiunto al tuo regalo - Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema: soluzione disponibile in tutta Italia
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Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour
Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour
Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour

Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour:  

Safari d’Arte Family tour is an art treasure hunt taking place in the city streets, where people go and search for specific and interesting details represented on monuments. It is an engaging and original family tour, a new way of exploring the city and getting to know its history, the main historical characters and artworks, youth and family oriented.The visual approach to well known city locations will be experienced in a brand new way thanks to the careful observation skills required by the game. A family tour designed for kids, teenagers and family. Our activity leader will be fully available to guide you and your family in the game especially designed for youth and family

With Rome Piazza Navona Family game Tour you can discover the Four rivers Fountain try this group guided game tour. With our expert activity leader, spot the the starting point and start your art treasure hunt in the heart of Campus Martius. We will discover squares that were once transformed into city lakes, pagan temples transformed into churches, fantastic animals turned into stone fountains. A journey in the heart of ancient and medieval Rome, cradle of the Baroque art.

Together we will explore Piazza Navona and Campus Martius (literally Field of Mars), we will admire Bernini and Borromini’s artworks and plunge ourselves into a network of alleys and streets evoking traditional crafts and trades but also legends.Watch the clues closely, find your orientation, follow the tracked indications on the map directly on your reference book, search carefully around you. Who is going to be the first one able to spot the trail clues? Become a real art treasure hunter with Rome piazza Navona family game tour !

Test yourself, play the game with your family and friends, then take the final quiz! This what you can experience by choosing Art Safari Safari d’Arte Rome piazza Navona group game tour!

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Professional activity leader guide
  • The travel book with clues and map
  • Headsets to hear the guide activity leader clearly

Punto d' Incontro

Piazza Navona n.25 Rome italy


3 ore

Orari di aperture


Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour di gruppo

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Gratuities (optional)

Codice : IT10024401

Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour:

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Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour: Disponibilità

Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour: Curiosità

Art treasure hunt Piazza Navona & Pantheon Art Safari family game tour: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 27,66 €
  • Quantità:
Vuoi aggiungere un extra al tuo regalo?
Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
Un valore aggiunto al tuo regalo - Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema: soluzione disponibile in tutta Italia
Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
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Oasi Benessere - Bergamo Sono stata allo spa a Bergamo il 20 marzo.

Ho trascorso un piacevolissimo pomeriggio in un’atmosfera rilassante e tranquilla con un sottofondo di musica new age altrettanto dolce e rilassante.

Il personale del centro è molto gentile e professionale, persino amichevole. Mi hanno anche fornito molte informazioni e consigli a proposito della naturopatia.

Il massaggio corporeo è stato molto rilassante e rivitalizzante, fatto da mani assolutamente professionali. Sono stata molto seguita e ho ricevuto preziosi consigli.

Raccomando davvero questo Spa, grazie Golden Moments per aver selezionato un personale così professionale.


I went to the spa in Bergamo, but had to postpone to 20th of march .

I had a delightful afternoon, in a relaxing and quiet athmosphere , with soft , relaxing, new age music .

The personnel there is really kind and professional, even friendly, I had from them some suggestions of naturopathy, too .

The body massage I had was top-relaxing and healing, made by professional hands.

And I was also followed and given suggestions

I really recommend the Spa , thanks for having chosen such a professional people Loredana

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