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Practical Multi-use kit

If you're one of those who need everything in place, even for your smallest gear, let's say you something. An organizer is your go-to option.

Let me tell you a little story—when I was in a hurry to pack for an unplan getaway weekend with my buddies, who accidentally drop off in the next town. I was such in a rush that I have mistaken my phone charger with my hard drive one. So, I finally arrive in our hotel for the weekend, one of my buddies, who's the planner, had an extra charger. Lucky me, you think. Well, no, because then he goes on explaining how he found this Incredible Way to organize his tech gears and still be able to figure out by touch if it's his USB cable or camera one, in the 9:00 am Metro while he furiously drinks his morning Lattè. While looking at his getting excited, I was thinking he so obsessed with organizing shit, and I'm such a mess. That I start to laugh, knowing the only thing that matters to me is my Bed, who must always be neat.

So, just as a joke, I have asked him to borrow a multi-kit gear for the next following. To figure out if he wasn't just bragging and overselling it.
Yeah, I know I tend to overthink a lot before trying anything new.

Strangely enough, it works; everything remains in place even during my eclectic week or redoing my bag a zillion time.
But I've to admit. There is only one problem. It's so small that I don't even have to worry about the extra space it takes in my bag.
Is this stuff is Magic? YES, it is, and you don't need to rummage 10 minutes to grab the right port. Of course —if you still want to have the Grrrrh moment with your thick messy cables, forget everything you just read and have a good day.

Oh! Bonus! He gave me his and bought a new one for himself. If that not a great friend!
  • Prezzo 30,00 €
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Practical Multi-use kit
Practical Multi-use kit
Practical Multi-use kit
Practical Multi-use kit
Practical Multi-use kit
Practical Multi-use kit

Practical Multi-use kit:  

This practical pouch is absolutely a must-have for organizing your personal belongings, precisely designed to suit your own needs. It's the perfect kit to use daily- ideal storage and easy access to your favorite small items. This pouch easily breaks down into two main sides for ultimate convenience to pick up a pen or your headphones while walking. You'll love to have it with you in your exam session or in rush office day when every second become precious. You'll fall in love when you realize you can grab any of your valuable essentials without even having to look at it. You can push the limits of what it can hold to your need, but please don't let its appearance fool you too. Its extra space will sure save you some extra $$$.And yes, it might not change your life but will boost your daily routine. Try it! You won't regret it!

All Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.

For further information, please reach our customers' services at +39.0294.7592.89, by email at or on our Live Chat web page.
Codice : IT10060057

Practical Multi-use kit:

Practical Multi-use kit: Disponibilità

Practical Multi-use kit: Curiosità

Practical Multi-use kit: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 30,00 €
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Cena con Delitto Bologna SIcuramente un'idea originale e divertente...cibo buono, ma lo spirito è il divertimento! Alberto (con amici)

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