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Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre

Esperienza internazionale : Francia
Visit the Museum of Montmartre and enjoy the temporary exhibition "Bernard Buffet, An Intimate portrait".
  • Prezzo 11,26 €
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Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre
Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre
Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre
Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre
Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre
Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre

Biglietti d'ingresso al Museo Montmartre:  

Visit the Museum of Montmartre and enjoy the temporary exhibition "Montmartre's artists: 1870-1910, from Steinlen to Satie". You'll also see the permanent collection of the museum, the Renoir Gardens where Auguste Renoir himself painted several masterpieces and the studio-appartment of Suzanne Valadon.

Museum of Montmartre
Certainly one of the most charming museums in Paris, the Museum of Montmartre was founded in 1960 and served as a residence and meeting place for many artists including Auguste Renoir, Suzanne Valadon and Émile Bernard, Emile Othon Friesz and Raoul Dufy. The permanent collection is composed of paintings, posters and drawings signed by Toulouse-Lautrec, Modigliani, Kupka, Steinlen, Valadon, and Utrillo. The artworks recount the history of Montmartre from studios at Bateau-Lavoir, Lapin Agile and Moulin Rouge cabarets and Le Chat Noir theatre.

The Renoir Gardens
Just steps from the Place du Tertre, three gardens dedicated to Auguste Renoir surround the Museum of Montmartre. They are named in memory of the impressionist painter who lived on-site between 1875 and 1877, where he painted several masterpieces including the famous le Bal du Moulin de la Galette (“The Moulin de la Galette Ball”), La Balancoire (“The Swing”), and Jardin de la rue Cortot (“Rue Cortot Garden”). The Renoir Gardens offer breathtaking views of the vineyard, the Clos Montmartre, and northern cityscape of Paris.

The Studio-Apartment
At the height of artistic creation in Montmartre during the early 20th century, the artist studio served as the site for artists such as Emile Orthon Friesz and Raoul Dufy, Émile Bernard (Gauguin’s companion), and Léon Bloy and Pierre Reverdy. Suzanne Valadon and her son Maurice Utrillo settled there for many years also and left behind unforgettable views of Montmartre.

Bernard Buffet, An Intimate portrait

October 18th, 2016 - March 5th, 2017
The exhibition, "Montmartre's artists: 1870-1910, from Steinlen to Satie", accompanies the new presentation of the permanent collections of the Museum of Montmartre. This exhibition showcases the work of over 20 artists who lived and developed/innovated their art in Montmartre at the end of the 19th century. Works by Paul Signac, Henri Martin, Ferdinand Pelez, Steinlen, Bellery-Desfontaines, Ibels, Bonnard, Bernard, Vallotton, Feure, Toulouse-Lautrec, Willette, Lefèvre and Delâtre will sit alongside the creations of 20th century artists such as Valadon, Utrillo, Utter, Max Jacob, Laurencin, Kupka, Galanis and Modigliani. Arranged chronologically, this exhibition will highlight the transformation of Montmartre into a major artistic centre.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Skip-the-line ticket to permanent collection and temporary exhibitions
  • Audioguide available in French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Japanese

Punto d' Incontro

- Metro station line 12: Lamarck-Caulaincourt - Metro Station Line 2 : Anvers, then Montmartre funicular - Metro Station Line 2 : Pigalle, then Montmartrobus and stop at Saules-Cortot


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Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour di gruppo

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  • Inglese

Codice : IT10024000

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  • Prezzo 11,26 €
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