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Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma

Buy your ticket to become a chef in 2 days with Golden Moments with our price match guarantee and secure booking. Get informed, plan and book your amazing activities in Rome.
  • Prezzo 153,74 €
  • Quantità:
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Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma
Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma
Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma
Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma
Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma
Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma
Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma
Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma

Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma:  

Experience a weekend of real Italian cuisine in a real Italian family. To give your Roman Holiday a spark, join us and learn how to prepare a traditional Sunday lunch and how to shop for it the day before. Saturday morning is spent shopping in Val Melaina market, the biggest and most famous food market in northern Rome.

This farmer’s market provides the opportunity to learn how to choose and buy all necessary ingredients for traditional weekend meals. We will buy ingredients for both days: Saturday lunch is with classic dishes like Saltimbocca alla Romana or Meatballs whereas the Sunday lunch will inevitably end with pasta! Timballo, sformato, or lasagna, depending on the season and the Chef’s wishes. You will be told secret ways to make a real meat sauce that will be prepared on Saturday and consumed the next day as it takes six hours to cook.

On Sunday morning homemade pasta and bechamel sauce will be prepared and you will learn to season chicken alla cacciatora or, in season, the classic chicken with peppers. The dessert, as tradition dictates, will be tiramisù with fresh mascarpone or goat ricotta whipped to a mousse with chocolate or with mandarin jam made from fruits from the family garden.

You will enjoy Italian cuisine comforted by the spring sunshine in one of the few private gardens in the city, or in the summer eating in the shade of a large walnut tree or a fragrant magnolia tree.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Food shopping and all ingredients for the cooking classes
  • Market tour

Punto d' Incontro

On Saturday, meeting point is at B1 subway station Conca d’Oro, to go to the market.


2 giorni

Orari di aperture

Every week-end

Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour semi-privato

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Everything NOT listed in what is included

Codice : IT10023500

Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma:

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Diventa chef in un weekend: 2 giorni di cucina a Roma: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 153,74 €
  • Quantità:
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Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
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Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
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