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Fishing in Stockholm archipelago

Esperienza internazionale : Svezia
  • Prezzo 216,26 €
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Fishing in Stockholm archipelago
Fishing in Stockholm archipelago
Fishing in Stockholm archipelago
Fishing in Stockholm archipelago

Fishing in Stockholm archipelago:  

Who are the inhabitants of the Baltic Sea? Well, the best way to get an answer is to go meet them. There are about 70 different types of fish waiting for you.

The meeting point is located in the harbor of Vaxholm which you can reach from Stockholm by bus or boat in approximately one hour. The fisherman/captain and his boat will be waiting for you there. He has all the gear that you will need and he will take you to the best waters for the biggest fish. The kind of fish you will see depends on the season.

Around midday, you will enjoy a nice lunch either on board or on one of the rocky islands.

For sustainable reasons, this is a “fish and release” fishing type, meaning that the fish you catch will be put back into their natural environment for their happiness, the ecosystem and the pleasure of the next fishermen.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • All necessary fishing gears
  • Life vests
  • Lunch and drinks

Punto d' Incontro

To reach Vaxholm from Stockholm, from April to October, take the ferry from Vaxholms bolaget at Strömkajen in front of the ”Grand Hotel” in the city center. In November and December take the bus 670 from Stockholm Östra station. It takes about 1h in both cases.


8 ore

Orari di aperture


Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour semi-privato

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Clothes appropriate for outdoor activities

Codice : IT10023366

Fishing in Stockholm archipelago:

Vedi Località

Fishing in Stockholm archipelago: Disponibilità

Fishing in Stockholm archipelago: Curiosità

Fishing in Stockholm archipelago: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 216,26 €
  • Quantità:
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