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Flavors of Niagara - guided walking food tour

Esperienza internazionale : Canada
Food is good, Italian food is really good. Take in the history and flavors of Italian culture in Niagara with Golden Moments. Get your tickets for this guided walking food tour today!
  • Prezzo 49,19 €
  • Quantità:
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Flavors of Niagara - guided walking food tour
Flavors of Niagara - guided walking food tour
Flavors of Niagara - guided walking food tour
Flavors of Niagara - guided walking food tour
Flavors of Niagara - guided walking food tour

Flavors of Niagara - guided walking food tour:  

We all know Niagara for the Falls, now it’s time to experience it for the food! The Falls may be the most important part of Niagara’s history, but Italians have played a significant role in shaping Niagara’s culture. Canadians of Italian decent are the most represented group in the Niagara region so let’s celebrate their contribution to the local food landscape!

On this Niagara walking tour, we begin our culinary journey with a stop at an authentic Italian pizzeria for a gourmet slice. With fresh toppings like arugula, prosciutto, and buffala mozzarella, we get about as close to the real thing as you can get outside Italia. We’ll discuss the history of Italian cuisine in Canada and share some little-known facts on the Italo-canadese.

From there, we head towards Skylon Tower for a local secret shortcut to Niagara Falls. At the end of the trail, get ready for a breath-taking backdrop of the American and Horseshoe Falls to some beautifully tended gardens. We’ll spend some time strolling through the Niagara Parks, stopping at the Oakes Garden Theatre before heading up Clifton Hill, the famous street of wacky fun. You’ll get a chance to learn whether the Falls actually freeze, the best barrel to travel in, and how much water really does rush over.

By the time we get to the top of Clifton Hill, we’ll have worked up an appetite for the rest of the Italian delicacies that await us. Meet local chefs and sample homemade meatballs, pasta, and most importantly locally-made Italian ice cream gelato. Now that you’re tummy is satisfied, you’ll want to take your time walking off the feast. Our Niagara walking tour will come to an end here, but be sure to ask your local guide for recommendations on other unique experiences of lesser-known Niagara haunts.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Local English-speaking guide, food tastings in local restaurants, water.

Punto d' Incontro

Cadillac Motel, 5342 Ferry Street, Niagara Falls, On L2G 3L2.


3 ore

Orari di aperture

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Additional food and drinks, souvenirs, items of a personal nature, tips / gratuities for your guide, transportation to and from our meeting and end points.

Codice : IT10025783

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  • Prezzo 49,19 €
  • Quantità:
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