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Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca

Buy your Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca and visit to a famous estate with tour of the wine cellar
  • Prezzo 75,84 €
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Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca
Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca
Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca
Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca
Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca

Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca:  

Take a guided walk through Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance. Enjoy a 90-minute introductory tour that’s been designed for visitors who are interested in learning all the facts and secrets of the city’s 2.000 years of history. Your guide will tell you about the city’s Roman origins, show you a 15th-century palace, and take you from the Ponte Vecchio, through the famous Uffizi courtyard, to the architectural wonder that is Brunelleschi’s Dome, overlooking the Baptistery’s golden Gates of Paradise. On this close encounter with this fascinating city, you’ll gain an understanding and appreciation for the background and context and Florence’s place in history, thanks to the professionalism of your expert guide. You will have lunch afterwards, with Pizza or pasta and drinks included and then we will be off to the Chianti area. Discover the Tuscan wine region of Chianti on a 5-hour scenic tour. Continue with a visit to a charming Chianti wine estate. After a guided tour of the wine cellars, to gain an insight into the various stages of wine production, take a sit and taste the various wines that the winery produces, paired with samples of sliced cold meats, bruschetta and salami. Visit the characteristic fortress of Monteriggioni, where you can stop for a coffee or gelato. Immerse yourself in the picturesque scenery of gently rolling hills, studded with ancient vineyards and cypress trees. You will go to the sublime town and fortress of Monteriggioni, mentioned in Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy,” and boasting some of the best-preserved city walls in all of Italy.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Guided walking tour of Florence
  • Lunch
  • Travel by GT coach or minivan with air conditioning
  • Expert multilingual escorts
  • Wine, oil and balsamic vinegar tasting
  • Snack with sliced cold meat and typical salami
  • Train tickets from/to Lucca

Punto d' Incontro

Take the train from Lucca train station to Florence Santa Maria Novella train station. Meeting point: My Tour Office in Florence, Via Cavour, 21RED.


9 ore

Orari di aperture


Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour di gruppo

Lingue disponibili

  • Italiano
  • Inglese
  • Spagnolo
  • Francese
  • Tedesco

Codice : IT10023302

Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca:

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Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca: Disponibilità

Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca: Curiosità

Florence tour & Chianti roads from Lucca: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 75,84 €
  • Quantità:
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Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
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Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
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