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Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps

Esperienza internazionale : Finlandia


Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps
  • Prezzo 3290,00 €
  • Quantità:
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Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps
Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps
Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps
Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps
Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps

Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps :  

The experience

The experience starts when you arrive in the Alastaro circuit and see the cars in front of your eyes.
The scgedule of the day (approx)
08.00  Meeting at the circuit
08.30  Theory, sharing and wearing the equipment for the day (overalls, shoes, handsshuh, helmet) 
09.00  Get to know the circuit with own cars.
09.30   Training with own cars or co-pilot to get used to the line of drive.
10.00   The group will be divided into subgroups of 4-5 persons. They will drive Formula Renault 2.0 cars. They have differently sized benches.
             Renault 2.0 car will be driven 2 x 10 min. 
12.-13  Lunch 
13.30   Getting to know the technology of Formula1 cars.
            Getting ready and driving one by one under constant instruction on the circuit.
n.16.00 F1 certificates ceremony
Experience includes 
Driving equipment 
Coaching, theory and practice
Lunch at circuit
2 X 10 min. Training  Formula Renault 2.0
2 X 4 laps Formula 1
VAT included to the price 

What need to know

The participant must be healthy. 
The maximum weight is 115kg.
Height between 150cm and 190cm.
Chest and upper arm circumference maximum length of 140cm 
There are set dates available, book at least 2 months beforehand.
The experience takes the whole day, do not plan anything else on that date. 
The lunch is served, please tell us your allergies etc. when booking. 


Security reasons the experience is not conducted if it rains. If the experience is cancelled due to weather reasons, the experience will be moved to another date. 


The experience lasts around 8 hours. 


For one, but as part of bigger group

What To Wear

Clothes and equipment will be provided by the supplier.


Fixed dates


Alastaro circuit, Finland
Codice : FIFORSP2

Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps :

Vedi Località

Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps : Disponibilità

Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps : Curiosità

Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps : Non sono ancora sicuro

Formula 1 experience in Finland, 8 laps : Restrizioni

The participant must be healthy.
The maximum weight is 115kg.
Height between 150cm and 190cm.
Chest and upper arm circumference maximum length of 140cm

Fixed dates
7th August
8th August
9th August
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  • Prezzo 3290,00 €
  • Quantità:
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