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Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split

Esperienza internazionale : Croazia
Calling all Games of Thrones fans! Live the excitement of the TV series with Golden Moments. Get your tickets now!
  • Prezzo 59,44 €
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Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split
Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split
Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split
Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split
Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split

Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split:  

Old, new, and fictional worlds collide in this walking tour of Diocletian’s Palace. Not only is this impressive complex rich with history and a favourite local hangout, but it is the filming location for the hit TV series Game of Thrones.

We begin our Split walking tour on the Riva Promenade, a local spot to see and be seen. From there we enter the world of Westeros with a visit to Diocletian’s Palace cellars. Walk in the footsteps of the warriors entering Meereen to release the slaves for Khaleesi’s army. A walk through the palace will take you to the City Museum, an impressive 15th century Gothic building used as another location for Game of Thrones. Inside, you can check out the weaponry, photographs, paintings

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Local English-speaking guide, meal, pint of beer, entrance ticket to Diocletian’s palace basement

Punto d' Incontro

Beginning of the Riva (Promenade) near the mock-up model of the city,


3 ore

Orari di aperture

Every day

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Additional drinks, transportation to/from starting point, entrance to the City Museum (3 euros), tips and gratuities for your local guide

Codice : MTZ10025160

Game of Thrones guided walking tour in Split:

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  • Prezzo 59,44 €
  • Quantità:
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