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Wax laptop case

Let's show your true self with one of our gorgeous laptop cases!

Today at work, something unexpected happens one of my colleges, Chiara starts to ask tonnes of questions about my position in the company a little worried about the subject. I asked her back: why are you so curious, now we know each other for years?
She kindly smiles at me and says: Well, I've realized that you are quite unique in your way. What? Me unique, how?

Then she goes on explaining that do different mix types of outfits together and that I've got a good sense of color and shape. But she points out, one unexpected bomb, that it seems either I'm fashion maniac or an Avant-gardist in terms of trends. As she says, you got the first wireless headphone before anyone, and now you show up with Your Laptop Case made in Wax.

Little uncomfortable, I looked at her and replied, what any guy who doesn't want she wants you ta says. I just got it because it's convenient. The material is soft when you touch it strong enough to avoid shock when I'm biking.
You know there is nothing fanc...-She cut me off, right there and gasps one time, moves the Laptop Wax Case, and blinks twice before turning to the other guy from the marketing department and says, look, you see Fred. He is convenient, nothing special about his look regular guy, but you even your glasses suit all your outfit.

Seen my face going down, she gently add well let me know where you go shopping because of your kind of a guru in style. I explain here how I got interested in the educational use of clothing and that do like to embrace the little difference of it.

After a too-long coffee break, we decide to organize our first meet up for man accessories with others as she men fashion maniac, which I think doesn't mean anything but will if anybody shows up. As sweet as I am, I choose to give her the link where she can easily order her on the version of a Wax Laptop Case.
  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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Wax laptop case
Wax laptop case
Wax laptop case
Wax laptop case
Wax laptop case
Wax laptop case

Wax laptop case:  

So if you too, want to show your uniqueness, let's get yourself something little stylish touche. Either for a laptop or tablet, you can request to our dear customer service about the option available for the colors and pattern. Just keep in mind that those pictures are only to illustrate the laptop case offer. The actual item may vary due to product enhancement. So if you need more specified details, please reach our customers' services at +39.0294.7592.89, by email at or on our Live Chat web page.

Codice : IT10060083

Wax laptop case:

Wax laptop case: Disponibilità

Wax laptop case: Curiosità

Wax laptop case: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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