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Helicopter Flight for One

Esperienza internazionale : Regno Unito
A helicopter flight that operates in several locations across the UK allowing you to enjoy the stunning views of the British countryside and local landmarks.
  • Prezzo 153,69 €
  • Quantità:
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Helicopter Flight for One
Helicopter Flight for One
Helicopter Flight for One
Helicopter Flight for One
Helicopter Flight for One

Helicopter Flight for One:  

The Experience

This is your chance to experience a Helicopter Flight and enjoy the views of the beautiful British countryside and local landmarks. You will soar up to 1000 feet in the air so don't forget to take your camera along so that you can capture the experience and share it with your family and friends after the flight. 

Vital Information

Maximum Passenger Weight is 18 Stone (114 kg).Please contact us if you are over 15 Stone (102 Kg). Minimum Passenger Age is 6 Years (Under 12's must be accompanied on the flight by an adult) We make every effort to help Disabled Passengers - please contact us for more information.For obvious reasons, all participants should ensure that they are in good health and if in doubt should seek the medical advice of their GP. The Instructor, as Captain of the aircraft can, at his/her discretion may refuse any person on board the aircraft if he suspects them to have consumed alcohol or drugs within the previous 24 hours.

Session Length

Please allow around 1 hour for your experience including time for briefings. Your helicopter flight will last 5 minutes.


This experience will be shared with up to 5 other fare paying passengers 

The Weather

Flights are subject to weather conditions and helicopter serviceability and, as a result flights are subject to cancellation at short notice.


Spectators are welcome and may take photographs

What To Wear

Please wear comfortable clothing.


Flights normally operate on selected Weekend dates with some Midweek from April to October. Cornwall operating dates are limited to Summer Special events. 


UK Wide
Codice : ADHBUZZ

Helicopter Flight for One:

Vedi Località

Helicopter Flight for One: Disponibilità

Flights normally operate on selected Weekend dates with some Midweek from April to October. Cornwall operating dates are limited to Summer Special events.

Helicopter Flight for One: Curiosità

Helicopter Flight for One: Non sono ancora sicuro

Helicopter Flight for One: Restrizioni

Maximum Passenger Weight is 18 Stone (114 kg).Please contact us if you are over 15 Stone (102 Kg). Minimum Passenger Age is 6 Years (Under 12's must be accompanied on the flight by an adult) We make every effort to help Disabled Passengers - please contact us for more information.For obvious reasons, all participants should ensure that they are in good health and if in doubt should seek the medical advice of their GP. The Instructor, as Captain of the aircraft can, at his/her discretion may refuse any person on board the aircraft if he suspects them to have consumed alcohol or drugs within the previous 24 hours.
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  • Prezzo 153,69 €
  • Quantità:
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