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Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes

Esperienza internazionale : Regno Unito

Take the controls in an exciting 30-minute helicopter flying lesson.

Step into the cockpit of a Robinson R22 helicopter for a unique flying experience.

After a detailed pre-flight briefing on helicopter dynamics, you'll take to the skies with a qualified instructor for 30 minutes of hands-on flight time. You'll even get the chance to pilot the helicopter yourself, making this an unforgettable introduction to aviation.

Perfect for aspiring pilots, this lesson counts towards your private pilot’s licence and includes a commemorative certificate to mark your achievement. Lessons are available at certified locations across the UK, with free parking and flexible rebooking options in case of poor weather.

Start your journey to becoming a pilot with this thrilling experience!

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  • Prezzo 323,23 €
  • Quantità:
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Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes
Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes
Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes
Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes

Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes:  

The Experience

Experience the thrill of flying with a 30-minute helicopter lesson in the Robinson R22.

Whether you’re curious about aviation or taking the first step towards your pilot’s licence, this lesson offers an incredible introduction to flying. Your experience begins with a one-on-one briefing from a qualified instructor, covering the basics of helicopter dynamics and flight safety.

Next, step into the cockpit of a Robinson R22, a lightweight two-seater helicopter perfect for beginners. Take off with your instructor and enjoy 30 minutes of instructional flight time, where you’ll have the unique opportunity to take the controls and experience the sensation of flying firsthand.

After landing, you’ll receive a detailed debrief and a certificate commemorating your achievement. If you’re considering further pilot training, this flight can be logged as part of your private pilot’s licence hours. Lessons are available at certified training locations across the UK, including London, Manchester and Gloucester, with convenient scheduling options to suit you.

Begin your flying journey - book your helicopter lesson today!

Vital Information 

Students must be over the age of 16. 15 stone weight limit per person
Flight will depend on visibility and weather conditions
It may be possible to assist with disabled customers, please contact us to see how we can help
The captain reserves the right to refuse to fly anyone considered not to be in the appropriate condition to fly.
Pre-bookings are required and subject to availability.
Due to health and safety reasons you are required to be able to get in and out of the helicopter unaided.

The Weather

Lessons may be rescheduled due to poor weather, air traffic restrictions, safety concerns or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.

Session Length

Exclusive helicopter flying lesson with 30 minutes of one-on-one instructional flight time in the Robinson R22 helicopter with a qualified instructor.


This experience is for one person. 


One spectator is welcome per customer.

What To Wear

Feel free to wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear. 


Available to book 7 days a week, subject to availability.


West Lancashire

Other locations may be available, please contact our customer service team for more information.

Codice : GB10013983

Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes:

Vedi Località

Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes: Disponibilità

Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) 9:00am – 5:30pm

Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes: Curiosità

Helicopter Flying Lesson - 30 Minutes: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 323,23 €
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