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Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.

While lying in the hammock chair in Giorgio's living room, I start to reflect on the meaning of my time here in his house, at the same time listing to his everlasting complaining about the political tragedy that is played in the country. I felt so in easy in this hammock my body start to make me feel like I'd regress into this childish phase where everything was simple. Then my mind goes back to Giorgio, who finally begins to notice that I'm falling deeper in sleep every time I say, "Yeah, you're right." He was begging to mumble when my eyelids start to feel heavier each time I blink. I get this weird light warm feeling all over my body; my mind starts to get quieter. I can see in affront of me a clear fountain with dragon fish, one golden red, a blue and grey one. I'm getting absorbed with the wave created by the golden one whos always followed two small waves behind by the grey one. The sky above my head turns dark. A big cloud, rain pours out of it and wet all over my clothes in a minute. I'm here still looking at the fish while I notice a few drops of water getting into my feet. Silently I start to walk out from the fountain and end up close to a road in the middle of now, and I see there myself staring and calling me to follow. A little bit confused, I do end up following it in that exact moment I hear the voice of Giorgio cracking out on laughing. I finally emerge of my dream and see the fireplace is on, and the heavy rain is drooling in the window. I stretch, and Giorgio held me a glass of warm coffee with cinnamon on top of it. And he began to ask me what I was dreaming about. " Well, nothing uncommon, but I heard your voice wake me up" "Ohh, well, with the glow on your face, I think you've got a pretty good time, reply Giorgio. He takes a seat in the hammock. We got squeezed next to each other. And he lends a book of Hemingway which I already read. Then he starts to explain to me how the main character got him so confused. A few minutes, he is the one who falls asleep. I get in the kitchen and stare at the window and see a smile on Giorgio's face in the reflection of the window.
  • Prezzo 50,00 €
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Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.
Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.
Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.
Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.
Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.
Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.

Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.:  

Couples days after, we’ve met at the laky bar close to Locked Higher street, and he told me that he might call the company from which he got the hammock chair. He says that everyone that lay on it falls asleep instantly.

They are cold Golden moment they do sales another great thing, but this Hammock has something special. He keeps on going telling me their phone number+39.0294.7592.89, email, and even their Live web page chat.

He stood up before one agent picks up the line, and I look at him leave the bar to talk outside. I guess this HAMMOCK must make special for him to ring them back like that.

 In case you didn’t realize, the pictures they are only for illustration purposes.The actual product may vary due to product enhancement. 

Codice : IT10060097

Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.:

Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.: Disponibilità

Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.: Curiosità

Hammock or Ammacca the way you want.: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 50,00 €
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