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Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa

Esperienza internazionale : Spagna
Book the perfect kitesurfing course for you in Tarifa with Golden Moments. Certificated instructors are waiting for you!
  • Prezzo 61,49 €
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Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa
Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa

Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa:  

3Sixty Kite School Tarifa offers a large variety of kite courses for beginners and advanced.

  • Lessons for beginners

The courses can be divided in five groups with different levels and modalities. Every day the course follows a program, established by IKO, which helps you progress safely and easily to the next level. If you already have some knowledge you can move straight to the level that you belong without having to repeat all the course from the beginning.
The kite school is open all year round and we organize kite lessons every day. Usually the lessons start between 11.00am and 3:00pm. The exact hour of starting will be determined one or two days before the beginning of the course, this way we can choose the best condition of wind in order for you to learn and progress in the best way possible.
All of the instructors are certified with IKO level 3, the highest level in IKO ranking, and they also have first aid training which needs to be renewed every two years.
The courses can be organized in Spanish, Italian, English, German and French.

  • Advanced lessons

If you already know how to ride but want supervision to feel comfortable and safe while practicing kitesurf, or you need to correct some movements to start riding upwind, you can choose an advanced course.
- In freestyle old school course you'll learn jumps while being hooked to the harness. You can learn all the techniques that have made this sport so expectacular from the beginning. You can choose the ones you'd like to learn the most.
- On basics of waveriding course you'll learn to ride the waves with a surfkite board, with or without foot straps. You will learn the correct movement of the kite depending on the direction of the waves and wind. We will also teach you how to make a very radical carving in off the lip and bottom turns with kiteloops and downloops.

NOTE: School and courses are open all year. If there is no wind on the chosen day, the school remains available for any request.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Kitesurfing group course 1 day
  • Kitesurfing private course 1 day
  • Kitesurfing group course 3 days
  • Kitesurfing private course 3 days
  • Kitesurfing advanced course: freestyle old school (1 day)
  • Kitesurfing advanced course: waveriding basic (1 day)
  • All the material needed: kite, bar, harness, wetsuit, life jacket, helmet
  • Insurance
  • IKO certificate

Punto d' Incontro

- The school is situated by la Carretera Nacional 340 highway at 81,5km. It is right in front of la Playa de Los Lances where begins the zone reserved for kite schools and kitesurf. The flags with the school's logo can be seen from the highway. If you are in Tarifa without means of transport, you can take a bus that goes to the direction of the beaches. Take the first stop at camping Rio Jara, the school is located about 100 meters from there. If you don't have a car or the buses are not running, we also offer free transport to all of our students.

Orari di aperture


Codice : IT10023877

Kitesurfcorso in Tarifa:

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  • Prezzo 61,49 €
  • Quantità:
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