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London History of Drinking and Pubs Tour

Esperienza internazionale : Regno Unito
History of Drinking and Pubs Tour: follow your guide in London and discover the culture of Pubs in Geat Brittain.
  • Prezzo 22,68 €
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London History of Drinking and Pubs Tour
London History of Drinking and Pubs Tour

London History of Drinking and Pubs Tour:  

History of Drinking and Pubs Tour will have you raising a glass to this fair city’s historical pub treasures and its drinking culture. Whether you are visiting London for the first time or a local who enjoys discovering hidden gems and its secrets, our guide will help you to uncover the history of the pub in its many forms. From the simple alehouse to the city taverns, learn where the traditional ale got its start and why it is so loved by the English palate on this walking tour; filled to the brim for lovers of pubs and pints. Travel through history in two hours, learning about medieval brewing techniques and the inventive, and sometimes disgusting, ingredients that were once used.A walking tour to quench the thirst of many, your guide will bring to life the history of drinking from one of London’s oldest pubs to establishments that have survived two world wars.
Codice : MTX10044784

London History of Drinking and Pubs Tour:

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  • Prezzo 22,68 €
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