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Madeira West Tour & Levada Walk

Esperienza internazionale : Portogallo
Buy your Madeira West Tour & Levada Walk with Golden Moments and take in the view from the highest sea cliff in Europe
  • Prezzo 49,19 €
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Madeira West Tour & Levada Walk
Madeira West Tour & Levada Walk
Madeira West Tour & Levada Walk

Madeira West Tour & Levada Walk:  

The Madeira West Tour starts with a hotel or Funchal harbour pick-up between 8:00 to 9:00 am. We will first visit Câmara de Lobos which is a famous fishing village where Winston Churchill spent his days painting when he visited the island of Madeira. We will continue on to Cabo Girão to get a glimpse off the highest sea cliff in Europe.

Ribeira Brava will be the tour's next stop, where we will make a quick visit at the church there. We will then pass by Ponta de Sol. This name means "point of the sun," and is one of the most beautiful villages on the island.

We will enjoy a scenic drive through part of the Laurissilva Forest up to the plateau of Pául da Serra. He we will stop for a short, flat, easy walk along a levada (an irrigation channel unique to Madeira). The tour continues over to the northwest side of the island where we stop at Porto Moniz, famous for its volcanic rock pools. If it's not crowded, we will have lunch and quick swim, here. We could also continue down the scenic coastal route to Seixal for lunch and a swim.

After lunch we will travel talong a scenic coastal road, taking in the famous waterfalls en route to São Vincente. Then discover Encumeada Pass. The views here are breathtaking. Enjoy a final stop at a famous bar where the proprietors make "Poncha," a traditional spirit drink mixed with honey and orange juice.

We return to the harbour and hotel between 16.30 to 17:00. Please note if your ship is departing at 17.00, we will have you back with plenty of time to spare.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Lunch - The tour stops at a good local restaurant where you get a three course, choice menu with drinks. There is also a good choice for vegetarians. A bottle of local wine and water is placed on the table, feel free to ask for more.
  • Guide (German, French or English)
  • A short levada walk that is meant for all

Punto d' Incontro

We collect form all hotels in Funchal and Canico. If your hotel is in another town please contact us for details. For cruise ship tourists we collect from the harbour at a meeting point just after you pass the tunnel on your way out. We will send photos after you have made a reservation.


8 ore

Orari di aperture


Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour di gruppo
  • Tour semi-privato
  • Tour privato

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese
  • Francese
  • Spagnolo
  • Tedesco
  • Portoghese

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Extra food & drinks ordered along the tour
  • Entrance fee to private pools, museums etc.

Codice : IT10024961

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  • Prezzo 49,19 €
  • Quantità:
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