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Milan Food Tour


If you are planning a visit to Milan you must sample some of the delicious cuisine it has to offer. This tour gives you the opportunity to do exactly that.

The tour takes you to the oldest neighborhood in Milan, Brera where you will visit six establishments and sample some mouth-watering foods that include local meatballs, culatello, parma ham, cream rolls and gelato.

During the three hour tour you will also learn about the history of the area and the food and dining in Milan.

  • Prezzo 65,00 €
  • Quantità:
Vuoi aggiungere un extra al tuo regalo?
Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
Un valore aggiunto al tuo regalo - Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema: soluzione disponibile in tutta Italia
Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
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Milan Food Tour
Milan Food Tour
Milan Food Tour
Milan Food Tour
Milan Food Tour
Milan Food Tour

Milan Food Tour:  

The Experience

Sample some delicious food and learn some fascinating trivia on this Milan food tour. 

This food tour takes you to the oldest neighbourhood in Milan, Brera, an area steeped in history and old world charm. During the tour you will visit six establishments to taste a selection of mouthwatering dishes.

You will start off visiting a bakery to try some delicious cream rolls. You will move on to taste some Italian cold cuts in an area surrounded by hung hams. Next stop is one of the most historical food shops in Milan to sample it's famous Risotto all Milanese. After this you will visit the Pastifico Moscova to try delicious meatballs and a traditional Italian dish. The tour ends with desert and what could be better than some delicious Italian gelato.

You may wnt to skip lunch after sampling some of the best food Milan has to offer. 

Vital Information

Vegetarian options are available for you to taste on this tour. Please let us know if you or specific members of your group have any food allergies or strict eating preferences.

Once you have booked your tour but wish to reschedule, you must do this with 14 days notice. Rescheduling within 14 days of your tour will incur a fee.

The Weather

Tours run in rain and shine.

Session Length

This food tour will last around 3 hours.


This voucher is valid for one person to take the tour. There is a maximum group size of 12 people on these tours. 


Spectators are not allowed. Anyone wishing to join you should hold a valid voucher and book the tour on the same date as you. 

What to Wear

As this food tour runs in all weathers, we advise you to dress suitably for the weather. 


This tour is available at 10.00am from Monday to Saturday. All dates are subject to availability.


Milan, Italy

Codice : IT10016618

Milan Food Tour:

Vedi Località

Milan Food Tour: Disponibilità

This tour is available at 10.00am from Monday to Saturday. All dates are subject to availability.

Milan Food Tour: Curiosità

Milan Food Tour: Non sono ancora sicuro

Milan Food Tour: Restrizioni

Once you have booked your tour but wish to rechedule, you must do this with 14 days notice. Resceduling within 14 days of your tour will incur a fee.
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  • Prezzo 65,00 €
  • Quantità:
Vuoi aggiungere un extra al tuo regalo?
Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
Un valore aggiunto al tuo regalo - Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema: soluzione disponibile in tutta Italia
Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
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Equitazione per due - Arezzo questo sabato ho provato per la prima volta l'equitazione, mi è piaciuto tantissimo! il centro è ottimo ed i cavalli meravigliosi! consiglio a tutti questa esperienza! Fernando

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