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Shoulder Black essential bag

When it comes to access and agility, messengers bags, cross-body bag is go-to choices for quick access to gear on the move.

For the days you want to play it minimalist, only carrying smaller loads will make the shoulder bag a time-saver with its versatile usage.

Ultimately, you’ll be in style for the office in your smart-casual outfit or just taking an espresso before working at your go-to. For sure, its clean silhouette will always match your mood. Its ability to easily swing round at your front without having to remove the bag from your shoulder is the key factor to get a messenger bag. And it’s customization dividers in the main compartment is the perfect setup for a stroll outdoors in the city while you’re on the Go.

When you become more demanding, your shoulder bag will be able to support you at all cost with its water-resistant and robust material. Whether you’re carrying essentials on the plane or sightseeing with day supplies, it’s a resistance that will keep you wonder.
  • Prezzo 50,00 €
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Shoulder Black essential bag
Shoulder Black essential bag
Shoulder Black essential bag
Shoulder Black essential bag
Shoulder Black essential bag
Shoulder Black essential bag

Shoulder Black essential bag:  

This shoulder bag is a sophisticated element that can contrast your daily working wardrobe with its futuristic features. While you run for the last train to get home or just waiting to meet up friends before a great night out, our shoulder bag it the perfect companion to always bring along.

Meant to be carried by hand, crossbody, or on the shoulder with a removal, adjustable nylon strap is the perfect bag to have when you go on the first day of spring for a beautiful trekking day. It has enough space for your precious goodies such as phone, wallet, and of course, an integrated charging port to be sure you never run out of juice.


Codice : IT10060056

Shoulder Black essential bag:

Shoulder Black essential bag: Disponibilità

Shoulder Black essential bag: Curiosità

Shoulder Black essential bag: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 50,00 €
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