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Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch

Orvieto in an old town located on a tufa outcrop 300ft above the gorgeous Paglia Valley below.

Explore the undergrounds on Orvieto with this amazing experience which also includes wine tasting and lunch. The city is mostly known for its Duomo (one of the most architecturally important in Europe), for its Etruscan roots and for the museums where one finds collections and displays that range over 2500 years of history. With this tour you will get to explore its fascinating underground.
  • Prezzo 42,00 €
  • Quantità:
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Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
Aggiungi al tuo pacchetto un soggiorno di una notte in hotel 3 o 4 stelle - formula best available
Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
Un valore aggiunto al tuo regalo - Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema: soluzione disponibile in tutta Italia
Gift Card Trasporto +55,00 €
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Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch
Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch
Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch
Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch
Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch

Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch:  

The Experience

The aim of this activity is to make you enjoy a tour of Orvietos’ undergrounds. During this you will be taken under the town exploring some of the 440 caves which have been used for centuries for various purposes such as refrigerators for wine barrels, stables, water wells and cisterns!

After your tour, just few minute away, you will find one of the local's favorite place for light lunch in town. We will reserve for you a table with view towards the Duomo’s façade (not possible on rainy days) for a light lunch wine tasting. You will enjoy local products such as Orvieto’s white wine, cold cuts, cheese and locally made biscuits. After lunch ask the owner to show you his private old grottos used as wine cellars!

Language Available



All year long, every day - departure at 12am. Subject to availability. 


This voucher is valid for 1 person. Please note that other people will take part in this experience on the day.


This tour will last approximately 2 hours.



Codice : IT10050736

Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch:

Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch: Disponibilità

Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch: Curiosità

Orvieto's Underground Tour, Wine Tasting and Lunch: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 42,00 €
  • Quantità:
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Aggiungi 1 soggiorno di una notte + Colazione in hotel 3 o 4 stelle +120,00 €
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Due biglietti ingresso al Cinema +19,50 €
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