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Rolling like a Roller skater

In the 70s, I used to have the first generation of rollers, those with four wheels on it. Yesterday, while watching Netflix show with my nephew is 14 and usually spend the Spring Break with his cousin in our ranch not so far from Kansas city. They help my wife and me with the horses on the field in the morning. And free to do whatever came up in their mind the rest of the day. That's right. We like it when they tell each time they leave. "I will come back next spring break Uncle Sammy." So we try to keep them in the light edge of the work in here. I got so many great memories with those rollers with my friend at their age. So, my wife, Marianne, suggest me to get them a pair. So they can learn along with me in our driveway. I do like to binge-watch TV shows with them, but I tend to be a more active person you know the old fashion way. I've to admit I love the horror shows. A little bit twisted, always nice guys/girl who kills with weird motives. Sometimes no anger, revenge feeling, like they snap on a bug, they committed murder. I get so hooked on that unconventional character. In my days, you'll watch shows knowing who was who. Now it's all about the final plot.The world has changed so fast in a way that's still impressing me. Yet, it makes me wonder how it all came out in one generation, but change is good right. I see them get crazy with the pair of Jeffrey, Ted looks bored, lets me get to chat a little with those little boys.
  • Prezzo 70,00 €
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Rolling like a Roller skater
Rolling like a Roller skater
Rolling like a Roller skater
Rolling like a Roller skater
Rolling like a Roller skater
Rolling like a Roller skater

Rolling like a Roller skater:  

Yesterday,Tod spent the most time roller skating in the drive in the garage. He even tried it on the field. He made us all laugh. They've been planning on going to a skate park in the city and ask me to come along. Quite frankly, I was surprised. Who what to bring their old uncle to the park. So I just node, yeah. We are getting prepared this morning everyone excited to get there. I'll try some gigs but not without an helmet. After all the incident videos, Fred, the youngest, showed me yesterday. I don't want to bring them back to their parents half broke. 

My dears, if you have any questions about those rollers, you can always ask a Golden Moment employer, no sorry, customer service. They are were so brilliant. Here you can either talk through their Live Chat web page or phone them at +39.0294.7592.89 or right them an email. Just in case, put your contact info so the can call you back. That's all my little pumpkins, xoxo from Uncle Sam.

All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.


Codice : IT10060151

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  • Prezzo 70,00 €
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