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Aromatic herbal seeds

Nature used to use it most dedicate work to sustain itself. Who my speaking of the insects, of course. Does it only stop there? No, birds also do help, while they fly hours around, spreading seeds. I'll stop talking, focus on the real subject. Me, Namu Zaki, at the little balcony of my two-bedroom apartment close to Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto. If you come around in the early morning, you'll see Geishas, and monks calmly walk around before tourist appears in every corner. Usually, I sit for an hour, staring at the temple trees on the edge of the street. First visitors in the temple are locales and few lost tourists, who rush in to leave before the sun sufficiently rises. I use to live in Tokyo, a lot of excitement, places to discover. Sadly, I need to go because of my job.

I'm an illustrator. My company opens a new office here in Kyoto. No, they didn't but, I was the youngest, couldn't talk back. I do miss the late food market, never-ending party bar in the Shinjuku area. But I'm ok. I need to get myself involved in a continuous project. One memory that keeps buzzing in my head is the time I used to bring shopping to my neighbors, Ashito and Makao Takahashi. They passed away a month after I moved in here. An invitation to the funeral retreat was left on my phone by my next-door neighbor, Sadami. They both were originally from Nagasaki, moved in Tokyo for Ishito work, great architecture. Every Sunday morning, when I'll bring their weekly grocery shopping. He will show me some home design plans he made at the begging of his career while we were drinking matcha with some wagashi. Makao was only listening when he would talk about their years abroad. And she still makes coffee every morning in one of those Italian Cafetiere. It wakes me up immediately. She once commented, when I was watching here humming the smell coming in from the kitchen. I love the smell of it.
Ashito retired way before the Internet boom in the '80s. After they only went on an organized trip and visited family overseas.

Lastly, I try my best to focus on the present as Makao always says, " the past won't bring you anything today can't give." Planting a banzai in the balcony, but it seems such hard work to trim it. Instead, I'll buy some aromatic seeds. It does give me goosebumps when a new leaf slowly emerges. I planned on getting a set to cook more often.
  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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Aromatic herbal seeds
Aromatic herbal seeds
Aromatic herbal seeds
Aromatic herbal seeds
Aromatic herbal seeds
Aromatic herbal seeds

Aromatic herbal seeds:  

I won't find the same that I have tried on my last trip to Kashmir but will see what I can find on the Golden Moment website seems a quite fit to put in the kitchen. The first thing I've done after receiving the package as one of the customer services advise me to check on some D.I.Y cup video to save up some coins. Her tips were quite right, I've got myself a trip of Rosemary, Parsley and Green onion. If you want to have also your home aromatic, do not hesitate to contact them at +39.0294.7592.89 by email at or on their Live Chat web page.

All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.

Codice : IT10060150

Aromatic herbal seeds:

Aromatic herbal seeds: Disponibilità

Aromatic herbal seeds: Curiosità

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  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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