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Private walking tour of Enkhuizen

Esperienza internazionale : Paesi Bassi
Buy your private walking tour of Enkhuizen with Golden Moments with our price match guarantee and secure booking. Plan and book your amazing activities in Holland!
  • Prezzo 28,18 €
  • Quantità:
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Private walking tour of Enkhuizen
Private walking tour of Enkhuizen
Private walking tour of Enkhuizen
Private walking tour of Enkhuizen
Private walking tour of Enkhuizen
Private walking tour of Enkhuizen

Private walking tour of Enkhuizen:  

Your morning or afternoon in Enkhuizen will start at your hotel, rivercruiseship or if you travel to Enkhuizen from elsewhere at the trainstation. Set off in a relaxing pace to make sure you really get to see, feel and learn all about this town.

The most important sights that your private guide will show are the Dromedary defense tower, recently renovated into a great cultural center. The Snouck van Loosenpark, a beautiful park erected late 19th Century as a social housing project. Admire the high tower of the South Church and its famed organ from 1621. See the lively harbour and shopping street. Learn why and how small ships have been built in bottles.

Wandering through the streets of Enkhuizen will take you back in time to the days of the VOC (United East Indian Company) that made Holland in the 17th Century one of the most influential countries in the world. Enkhuizen in those days was one of the 6 main towns from the VOC.

Your visit to Enkhuizen is made complete with a visit to the famed Zuiderzeemuseum. The Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen revives the stories of people who once lived on the shores of the Zuiderzee. See, hear, taste and smell everyday life around the Zuiderzee as it was before the Afsluitdijk (IJsselmeer Barrier Dam) changed the sea into the IJsselmeer in 1932.

In the summertime the Museum ferry carries you across the IJsselmeer to the Outdoor Museum. The open-air section covers 15 acres and accommodates authentic buildings from the former Zuiderzee region, such as a church, a fish-curing shed, a mill, a cheese warehouse, shops and dwelling houses from the surrounding fishing villages.

In the wintertime, you can explore the indoor museum, housing the treasure chest of the Zuiderzee. Temporary exhibitions display the rich collection of the Museum.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Professional guide
  • Hotel/port pickup
  • Entrance fees
  • All taxes, fees and handling charges

Punto d' Incontro

- Meet your guide at the square by trainstation of Enkhuizen


2 ore

Orari di aperture

Every day

Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour privato

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese
  • Tedesco

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Gratuities (optional)
  • Food and drinks

Codice : IT10023031

Private walking tour of Enkhuizen:

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Private walking tour of Enkhuizen: Disponibilità

Private walking tour of Enkhuizen: Curiosità

Private walking tour of Enkhuizen: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 28,18 €
  • Quantità:
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