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Sporty city Skateboard

In the junk of the city, Friday night, heading for your friend's first stand up act in the famous Lalala comedy central in Causeway Bay. "You arrive right in time before the show started," says Lucas, who looks extremely anxious while waiting for is turn. He stares my tiny skateboard. "How did you manage to get here with this?" "No worry, I've taken the tram before arriving, I only skate the last one mile." "Yeah, it's not so easy in the city center but quite great on the bay." "Oh, reply, Lucas, I see." "Thank you so much for being here." " You don't know how much it meant to me." "No prob, Bro. I've heard that they have good wine." "Yeah, there is the Bordeaux Cuvé that a French guy from Le splendid restaurant brings once to the owner." "Ever since, the owner does a special price for every stand-up gig." "If you get on the scene, you can get a great discount on the snack as well." "Mhh, don't know. "What are you going to talk about?" "Random anecdote when I arrive in the city. Nothing special. You don't need to be a genius, just be reliable." Ok, let me see how you go on, then if it seems easy, I'll give it a shot." "Ohh, put your cute tiny skateboard in the corner there or give it to the waiter." "Yeah, sure, I was going to do it anyway. "

After a few hours the shows finally end, I decided not to go on the scene. No, I wasn't scared. No. I didn't feel it that all. You know what I mean. "Well, let me tell you after all the drinks you take. I think you may have to get out of it," says Lucas. "Yeah, you're right, let's eat some Dim sum, I'm starving." "Ok give me your skateboard, I don't want to go to the hospital tonight. Ok, let's go."
Just between us, reader, my friends Lucas made some jokes I couldn't understand. The dude is too CLEVER. Yes, with capital letters! Like making rhymes and stuff, he got me exhausted after two sentences. But there was a group of guys who were laughing hilariously. I know you may laugh about everything but not with everyone. Right.
  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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Sporty city Skateboard
Sporty city Skateboard
Sporty city Skateboard
Sporty city Skateboard
Sporty city Skateboard
Sporty city Skateboard

Sporty city Skateboard:  

 So about my skateboard, as Lucas says, it's a great one but only if you have enough space on the side road and not too much traffic to go on. Be sure to wear a helmet, yeah you may fall more often than you expected the first few times. And for a further recommendation on the pattern, I do suggest you contact one of Golden Moments customer service. They were amazing in responding efficiently to my needs. Yeah, its at +39.0294.7592.89, by email at or on our Live Chat web page. About the pictures, repeat after me: all the images shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.

Codice : IT10060096

Sporty city Skateboard:

Sporty city Skateboard: Disponibilità

Sporty city Skateboard: Curiosità

Sporty city Skateboard: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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