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The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa

  • Prezzo 60,46 €
  • Quantità:
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The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa
The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa
The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa
The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa
The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa
The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa

The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa:  

Enjoy the chance to see 3 of the most beautiful lakes in 2 countries on this 1-day tour from Stresa. Travelling first to the north of Lake Maggiore, you will pass the mystical floating castles of Cannero while travelling towards the snow-capped peaks of the Swiss Alps and across to Lake Lugano.

Your first stop is in Lugano city, which nestles between the peaks of San Salvatore and Monte Bré and looks out over the celestial blue waters of the lake. Imagine taking a stroll along the palm and cypress tree lined promenade which gives the city a truly Mediterranean feel. Or head for the Palazzo Civico to feel the hustle and bustle of the city center – this area is brimming with restaurants and boutiques. Why not stop in at the deli in Via Pessina were you can buy a sandwich for a picnic later on at Villa Carlotta. Don't miss a look into the Santa Maria degli Angeli church to see the amazing frescoes by Bernadino.

Your journey continues across beautiful countryside to Lake Como which has to be one of the most spectacular lakes in Italy with sparkling waters surrounded by dramatic mountains. Here there is the opportunity to visit Villa Carlotta where every ceiling is a masterpiece of frescoes and where, in the gardens, there are over 500 species from giant sequoia to camellias. Otherwise you can enjoy lunch at one of the many restaurants in Tremezzo. Then it is on to Como itself – a modern city steeped in history. Here you can see the 14th century cathedral or hunt out some bargains in the vast array of silk shops.

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Return journey by modern air-conditioned tour bus
  • Services of an expert guide

Punto d' Incontro

Viaggi Tomassucci Travel Agency (between Hotel Milan Speranza and Italie Suisse)


Un giorno

Orari di aperture


Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour di gruppo

Lingue disponibili

  • Italiano
  • Inglese
  • Francese
  • Spagnolo
  • Tedesco

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Entrance to Villa Carlotta (€9.00/€7.00 for over 65s with proof of age)
  • Meals, drinks, and refreshments

Codice : IT10025632

The three lakes: full day tour to Maggiore, Lugano and Como from Stresa:

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  • Prezzo 60,46 €
  • Quantità:
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