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Tour of Twickenham for Two

Esperienza internazionale : Regno Unito
Two can take a tour of Twickenham and go behind the scenes of the world famous rugby stadium.

Have a seat in the England dressing room, walk down the player's tunnel and visit the Royal Box on this fully guided tour. You will also gain access to the rugby museum where you can view the largest collection of international rugby artefacts in the world and try out the interactive zone.

This is a great experience for all lovers of rugby, young and old.
  • Prezzo 71,97 €
  • Quantità:
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Tour of Twickenham for Two
Tour of Twickenham for Two
Tour of Twickenham for Two
Tour of Twickenham for Two
Tour of Twickenham for Two
Tour of Twickenham for Two

Tour of Twickenham for Two:  

The Experience

Two can take a guided tour of Twickenham, the world famous rugby stadium. 

You will both go behind the scenes and absorb the atmosphere of the players tunnel, the England players' dressing rooms, and the Royal Box. Your tour will end in the World Rugby Museum where you can enjoy the interactive zone and find out what type of rugby players you are and view the largest collection of international rugby artefacts in the world.

Have a great time on a tour that is suitable for all rugby fans, young and old.

Vital Information

Stadium tours may not be available on/around event days.

The Weather

The weather should not affect your tour of Twickenham stadium.

Session Length

Tours take around 1hour and 15 minutes. Please also allow additional time to visit the museum at your leisure. Access to the museum is included.


You will share this tour with other participants. This voucher is valid for two people.


Spectators are not allowed. Anyone wishing to join you should hold a valid voucher.

What To Wear

There is no dress code for this experience. We recommend comfortable footwear.


Tours operate from Tuesday to Sunday at set times. We recommend you book your tour in advance to avoid disappointment.



Codice : GB10015033

Tour of Twickenham for Two:

Vedi Località

Tour of Twickenham for Two: Disponibilità

Tours operate from Tuesday to Sunday at set times. We recommend you book your tour in advance to avoid disappointment.

Tour of Twickenham for Two: Curiosità

Tour of Twickenham for Two: Non sono ancora sicuro

Tour of Twickenham for Two: Restrizioni

Stadium tours may not be available on/around event days.
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  • Prezzo 71,97 €
  • Quantità:
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