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Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki

One night
2 people

“Does the song of the sea end on the shore or in the hearts of those who listen to it?”
(Khalil Gibran)

Need to unplug and spend the weekend relaxing after a long week? The package Weekend for two in Thessaloniki is the one for you!
Pack your bags and get ready to immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of this city of Macedonia, famous for its promenade, museums and nightlife.

For further information, you can call us on 0294.7592.89, or send an email to: Alternatively, contact us via Chat Live, our immediate service.
  • Prezzo 100,00 €
  • Quantità:
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Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki
Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki
Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki
Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki
Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki
Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki

Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki:  

The experience

The chance to relax by the sea, but also to visit museums and churches: welcome to Thessaloniki! This historic city in the Macedonian region is one of the most important and populous in the country. Chosen every year as a destination by thousands of tourists, it is the perfect place to enjoy a weekend of relaxation and fun after a long and busy week.

 The city offers many attractions: the beautiful promenade, renovated in recent years; the White Tower, the most iconic monument of the city; museums, churches and numerous archaeological sites. It also has a beautiful historic center and an active nightlife, to satisfy even the most revelers.

 Finally, for those who dream of relaxing by the sea, it will be enough to move a few kilometers to enjoy some of the most beautiful beaches in the region.

 What are you waiting for? Leave now with the package Weekend for two in Thessaloniki and enjoy two days with someone special!

What's included

One night in a double room in a 3* hotel or apartment in Thessaloniki

Important information

It is advisable to book at least 8 weeks in advance in order to better organize your experience.


2 days and 1 night

Number of participants

The price is for 2 people


All year long


Thessaloniki, Greece

Codice : IT10067348

Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki:

Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki: Disponibilità

All year long

Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki: Curiosità

In 1917, the Great Fire of Thessaloniki destroyed the largest part of the city’s historic center, leaving homeless approximately 72,500 people of which more than 50,000 were Jews. Even though the destruction was colossal, there were no casualties among the residents of the city. After the fire, Thessaloniki was rebuilt according to a modern European plan by the French architect, urban planner, and archaeologist Ernest Hébrard. Even though his plan was not implemented in full, the largest part of Thessaloniki’s center, as it is today, is based on a “French” design.

Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 100,00 €
  • Quantità:
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Weekend for 2 people in Thessaloniki: Prodotti Alternativi

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