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Shaker break

Never hit the gym without a Shaker bottle.

Let's face it nowadays, going to the gym is more common than jogging. Of course, you are part of those who feel like home at the gym.While you get ready, in the restroom, before the next H.I.I.T session start, you peacefully unpack your bag and realize that your plastic shaker bottle leaked and stain all over your work outfit. I tell you'll be going back home, wasting an hour to end sitting in the couch binge-watching a Netflix show because it's annoying to get back there you already take your shoe off and still didn't find your lucky shirt split in your bag and stain and get your work out outfit.So you run to one of your coaches, who, of course offers you an extra shirt and beautiful shorts that show, clearly, what you are working so hard to erase. At that moment, you wish you bought the stainless shaker bottle with its strap. You felt awkwardly during the lesson get little paranoid that everyone was glimpse at your cute little belly. Relax, you're not the only who get leaking bottle. Remind yourself to always carry an shirt.
  • Prezzo 30,00 €
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Shaker break
Shaker break
Shaker break
Shaker break
Shaker break

Shaker break:  

Make it as you wish either a lemon juice to rehydrate faster after your intense workout. Or a tasty green smoothie cleanses with a little pinch of ginger. You can, of course, use it as just a protein shaker always ensure before using the quantity to gain all the great benefit without the inconvenience of an overdose.  And if you want to get inspired to start a full routine, make sure to download a 30-Day Clean diet challenge.
All Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement. For further information, please reach our customers' services at +39.0294.7592.89, by email at or on our Live Chat web page.
Codice : IT10060068

Shaker break:

Shaker break: Disponibilità

Shaker break: Curiosità

Shaker break: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 30,00 €
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