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Budapest Parliament tour with Warship Museum entry and river cruise

Esperienza internazionale : Ungheria
Enjoy a guided tour of the Hungarian Parliament and visit the Warship Museum. Take an optional river cruise to see the city's sights from the water.
  • Prezzo 21,53 €
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Budapest Parliament tour with Warship Museum entry and river cruise
Budapest Parliament tour with Warship Museum entry and river cruise

Budapest Parliament tour with Warship Museum entry and river cruise:  

Enjoy an eventful program full of history, memorable sights and some of the most beautiful locations in Budapest!The Hungarian Parliament is the third largest parliament building of the world and one of the most recognized landmarks of Hungary. A guide will take you around the gigantic halls of the House of Parliament while sharing the secrets of its past. You will even have a chance to explore the hall of the National Assembly and to lay your eyes on the holiest relics of Hungarian history, the Holy Crown and the crowning jewels.Following the Parliament tour, you will explore the world’s oldest remaining monitor ship right next to the House of Parliament: the Lajta Monitor Museum Ship. This once deadly metal giant was built in 1871 and has gone through some breathtaking adventures back in its days. Get to know its story!Get comfortable after the historical ventures and familiarize yourself with the panoramic side of Budapest on a scenic river cruise on the Danube. Enjoy a complimentary bowl of tasty Goulash Soup or Chicken Paprikash on board.
Codice : MTX10050273

Budapest Parliament tour with Warship Museum entry and river cruise:

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  • Prezzo 21,53 €
  • Quantità:
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