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Fancy Face Regiment

Does your morning are a try fail to achieve perfection. Well, let me give you a look at my typical morning routine. As just a reminder, you are still totally free to gaze for a few minutes in bed before waking up.

I usually wake up a few secs before the alarm ring. Then I check on my phone that I leave in the kitchen to be sure I'll get up. Yep, quite tricky. Then, the first thing I do is check the news and all. I'm working as a finance consultant, always need to be prepare before getting to the office. I used to eat breakfast after my morning quick workout. I have recently been into my skin. So I start to use a set skincare line for my skin. Advise by one of my best buddies whose Korean, HimJun, but like to call him Juno. His mother is a dermatologist. He told me that his mother used to make him facial on the weekends. That when he decides to m enroll in competition in the badminton club. Last week, at the gym, he showed me after our work out how he follows a simple 3 step regimen to keep his skin clear, hydrate, and glowy.

I'm not saying he's not working, but I'm the lazy type, so I took his word in action and got myself skincare set for my skin type. So the first thing I do is to only clean my skin at night with a foam base cleanser while in the morning, I only let the water rain down on it after the workout. The next step prepares my skin for the treatment phase. I tend to have a quiet grassy skin type. I got a base gel texture to plump my skin, follow up with my regular face cream. Done! Easy, right. For the wintertime, I tend to swap a heavier cream version to talc those cold months. Personally, I like to eat after the shower, but I know some people do differently. My breakfast change according to the season, but I tend to do the same copy and call her for typical Korean recipes. Keep the body warm and full of fast digestive food and eat as much as I can. You might think about what kind of food you eat. Well, I usually eat real meals, typical eastern breakfast. So depending on the day, if I feel like a chef, I may prepare some extra dishes with my soup or just a good salad with a nice cup of coffee. One time, my friend Gerard who a total French, was shocked to see me eating pasta in the morning. Just after feeling up my body, I always check my bag before leaving, only in case. Here I'm stepping up to go.
  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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Fancy Face Regiment
Fancy Face Regiment
Fancy Face Regiment
Fancy Face Regiment
Fancy Face Regiment

Fancy Face Regiment:  

If you get some personal type for your skincare routine, I'll suggest you contact Golden Moment. They are brilliant, that was I got my skincare. Oh yeah, you may take the time to check with them some details about the ingredients. No one wants to wake up with a monster's face. By phone at +39.0294.7592.89, by email at or on their Live Chat web page. I hope you'll try too, but I end up my post here, but I get late to the office—cheers mate.

All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.

Codice : IT10060149

Fancy Face Regiment:

Fancy Face Regiment: Disponibilità

Fancy Face Regiment: Curiosità

Fancy Face Regiment: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 40,00 €
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