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Real Shooting Experience in Budapest

Esperienza internazionale : Ungheria

Real Shooting
36 shots
From 5 person
Voucher 36 months

At one of the city's most renowned and historic shooting ranges, you'll have the chance to fire a variety of real firearms, including the powerful Glock 17, the iconic AK-47, the legendary UZI, and more. With 35 shots spread across five different weapons, this experience is designed to thrill both beginners and seasoned shooters alike.

Safety is paramount, and our professional instructors will provide a detailed safety briefing and hands-on guidance throughout your session. Whether you're looking to perfect your aim or simply experience the adrenaline rush of shooting real guns, this unforgettable adventure is sure to leave you feeling like a true action hero.

For more information, you can call us at 0294.7592.89, or send an email to: Alternatively, contact us via Live Chat, our immediate service.
  • Prezzo 540,00 €
  • Quantità:
Real Shooting Experience in Budapest
Real Shooting Experience in Budapest
Real Shooting Experience in Budapest
Real Shooting Experience in Budapest
Real Shooting Experience in Budapest
Real Shooting Experience in Budapest

Real Shooting Experience in Budapest:  

 The experience

Get ready to step into the shoes of a real action hero at one of Budapest's most prestigious and historic shooting ranges. Our "Shoot Like a Dictator" experience offers you the chance to fire a variety of real firearms, each with its own unique thrill.

From the precision of a .22 sport pistol to the raw power of a 9mm Glock 17, the iconic AK-47, the legendary UZI, and even a Pump Action Shotgun, you'll have the opportunity to feel the force and excitement that comes with shooting like a pro. With a total of 35 shots, you'll have ample chances to hone your aim and embrace the thrill of the experience.

Safety is our highest priority. Before you begin, you'll receive a comprehensive safety briefing, ensuring you're fully prepared. Our experienced instructors will be by your side, guiding you through each step to guarantee a safe, fun, and unforgettable adventure.

Experience includes

  • .22 Sport Pistol: 6 shots
  • 9mm Glock 17: 10 shots
  • AK-47: 5 shots
  • UZI: 10 shots
  • Pump Action Shotgun: 4 shots

Total: 35 Shots


The event can only happen from at least 5 participant.

Codice : HU10070129

Real Shooting Experience in Budapest:

Real Shooting Experience in Budapest: Disponibilità

Real Shooting Experience in Budapest: Curiosità

Real Shooting Experience in Budapest: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 540,00 €
  • Quantità:

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