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Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour

Esperienza internazionale : Ungheria

Romantic ride
Horse carrier
For couples
Voucher 36 months

For a truly romantic experience—whether celebrating an anniversary, birthday, or simply enjoying a special date—our horse-drawn carriage ride through the heart of the city is the perfect choice. With a beautiful fiacre and two majestic horses, you'll explore Budapest's illuminated streets in style. Personalize your journey by visiting locations that hold special memories, or simply enjoy the ride as the city sparkles around you.

For more information, you can call us at 0294.7592.89, or send an email to: Alternatively, contact us via Live Chat, our immediate service.
  • Prezzo 300,00 €
  • Quantità:
Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour
Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour
Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour
Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour
Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour
Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour

Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour:  

 The experience

A carriage ride is an extra romantic experience, perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or a stylish date.

At your scheduled time, our carriage will be waiting for you at Roosevelt Square in front of the hotels, and you can hop on as if it were a spontaneous idea, cuddling up as you ride through the city. If there's a specific location you'd like to visit because it's significant to your relationship (like the place of your first date, proposal, or first apartment), just let us know, and we'll plan the route accordingly.

Let's discuss any special requests you might have.

The carriage can go anywhere that's accessible by car according to traffic regulations. The carriage, or more precisely the fiacre, is drawn by two horses and will take you on a delightful ride. An experienced coachman will guide the horses to ensure your journey is as safe as possible amidst the city's traffic.

We recommend booking your ride in the evening, after dark, as that's when the city is most beautiful. The lights are on, the city shines, and it creates a much more romantic atmosphere.

To help you choose the perfect time, we'll provide you with a sunset chart. You can check when the sun sets and add about 30-40 minutes for it to get truly dark.


1 hour

Codice : HU10070039

Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour:

Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour: Disponibilità

Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour: Curiosità

Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 300,00 €
  • Quantità:

Romantic carrier ride in Budapest | 1 hour: Prodotti Alternativi

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