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Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina

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Immergiti nella suggestiva atmosfera dei vigneti di Lessona e vivi un’esperienza unica nella nostra cantina. Ammira dove i nostri vini, frutto di un microclima irripetibile, vengono affinati con cura. Attraversa il tunnel delle cascate illuminate e raggiungi la sala degustazione stellata, dove potrai assaporare quattro vini pregiati, tra cui il rinomato Lessona, accompagnati da prodotti tipici del territorio. Un viaggio sensoriale alla scoperta dell’eccellenza vinicola locale.

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  • Prezzo 29,50 €
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Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina
Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina
Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina
Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina
Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina
Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina

Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina:  


La proprietà si estende su una superficie di circa 7 ettari di vigneti, oltre a svariati ettari di circostanti boschi che creano un microclima particolare per la coltivazione del Nebbiolo. Il territorio di Lessona è una delle poche aree in Italia e nel mondo in cui questo vitigno trova il suo ambiente ideale.

La Degustazione Classica prevede un percorso all'interno della nostra cantina per poter osservare dove vengono affinati i vini prima di essere imbottigliati. Successivamente, passando attraverso un tunnel di due cascate d'acqua illuminate, saliremo nella sala degustazione stellata, in cui avrete la possibilità di assaggiare 4 vini, tra cui un Lessona.
Cosa è incluso
Visita della cantina e degustazione di 4 vini accompagnati da prodotti tipici del territorio


Numero partecipanti:

Il prezzo è da intendersi per 1 persona.

Requisiti base:

Non sono richiesti requisiti particolari per questa esperienza.


Tutto l'anno previa prenotazione.

Punto d'incontro:

Via IV Novembre, 171, 13853 Ratina-fiora BI



Codice : IT10070231

Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina:

Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina: Disponibilità

Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina: Curiosità

Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 29,50 €
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Degustazione di Vino iconica presso Pietro Cassina: Prodotti Alternativi

Cinque Terre Vermentino wine tasting and Lunigiana delicacies at Lunae “Lunae is a member of The Grand Wine Tour Association: a quality brand that certifies hospitality excellence in the best wineries. The Grand Wine Tour is also a magazine online."Lunae is an 18th-century farmhouse, overlooking the ancient via Aurelia close to the archaeological site of the ancient Luni, the true hearth of the winery. Here art food and wine live together and have a voice. And here Paolo Bosoni, founder and soul of "Cantine Lunae", continues his family’s work, always committed to agriculture, focusing his attention on wine-growing.The idea Paolo Bosoni has is preserve the quality obtained from the vineyards throughout the whole wine-making process in the cellar, through a careful work in accordance with every single phase. Lunae has been created respecting roots and traditions. Inside the totally renovated buildings you will find: the wine shop, the wine tasting room, the liquor laboratory and the Museum of Wine Material Culture, surrounded by the green of the herbs garden in the vineyard.TourThe visit will start with the museum, which is set up inside the ancient manor house and dedicated to the material culture of wine. You’ll discover the traditions of the oenological culture in Lunigiana throughout old agricultural tools and contemporary art installations. Afterwards the soul of "Essentiae Lunae" laboratory, Fiorella Stoppa, will show you the processing techniques to prepare jams and she will reveal the history and the secrets of the traditional Ligurian liquor. You will continue the visit through the garden to find a wide typical herbs collection. In this garden you will also find a lake. OPTIONSTour with food delicaciesYour lunch will start with a taste of Ligurian focaccia and handmade bread selected among local historic bakeries and a taste of our “D'Oro”, an extra virgin olive oil obtained by using a very limited selection of olives coming from their lands. The lunch will continue with traditional rural cuisine paired with local wines and a liqueur.Wine selection:ETICHETTA GRIGIA Colli di Luni D.O.C. VermentinoIt's the first varietal wine born at Ca Lvnae, the result of research and experience acquired in the field.This grape variety offers freshness and great elegance, through floral and citrus notes.ALBAROLA Colli di Luni Albarola D.O.C. AlbarolaThe name derives from the homonym vine variety Albarola, whose grapes compose this varietal wine, whose characteristics are freshness and surprising persistence.CIRCUS Liguria di Levante I.G.T. - RedThrough the rediscovery of local vine varieties, this wine brings in itself great freshness and character.Massareta, Alicante and Albarossa find full expression in its intense scents, fruity notes well supported by velvety tannins.NICCOLO’ V Colli di Luni D.O.C. - RedThis red wine is made from a particular selection in the vineyard and and expresses the will to enhance features of our traditional vines: Sangiovese, Merlot, Pollera Nera. Its excellent structure enables it to face 12 months in barriques.Liqueur: ESSENTIAE LUNAE - Orange LiqueurAn ancient recipe which includes the use of sweet seasonal oranges only, giving back a little bit of mediterranean summer in every sip.The whites' light smoothness will find a good match with traditional Lunigiana savory pies. The red, Circus, will be paired with a selection of cold cuts made by an important local producer, to let you discover the great versatile character of this wine. The excellent structure of Niccolò V will find a special match with a selection of shepherd cheeses, products of Lunigiana's pastures paired with the Essentiae Lunae handmade jams and marmalades. Lastly, you will have a delicious dessert chosen among local bakeries suggestions paired with handmade orange liqueur. Tour with tastingYour visit to Lunae will end with a guided wine tasting paired with excellent olive virgin oil and the real authentic focaccia.You will taste three local wines:FIOR DI LUNA, Colli di Luni D.O.C. - White traditional Colli di Luni blendIt comes from the historic vineyards set in Ortonovo and Castelnuovo Magra. The grape varieties Albarola, Vermentino and Greco are well combined offering floral and citrus scents on the nose and a fresh and savory taste.ETICHETTA NERA, Colli di Luni D.O.C. Vermentino - This is the fruit of an attentive Vermentino grape selection in the vineyards followed by a wise work in the cellar. This varietal wine stands out for its great elegance. Mediterranean scrub recalls and ripe fruit scents enhance this vine variety's traditional characters.NICCOLO' V , Colli di Luni D.O.C. - RedThis red wine is made from a particular selection in the vineyard and and expresses the will to enhance features of our traditional vines: Sangiovese, Merlot, Pollera Nera. Its excellent structure enables it to face 12 months in French oak barrique.Food pairing will start with a taste of Ligurian focaccia and handmade bread selected among local historic bakeries and a taste of our “D'Oro”, an extra virgin olive oil. Fior di Luna's delicate and floral notes will find a good match with a selection of bruschette prepared with typical local products. Etichetta Nera's will be enhanced by the pairing with a selection of typical cold cuts made by an important local producer. The excellent structure of our Niccolò V will find a special match with a selection of shepherd cheeses, products of Lunigiana's pastures paired with our Essentiae Lunae handmade jams and marmalades. La Spezia|la spezia, Italia 35,00 €
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Paracaidismo en Cerdeña Voglio ringraziare tutto lo staff per aver reso questa esperienza unica e indimenticabile.
Grazie ragazzi! Francesco

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