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Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens

Esperienza internazionale : Grecia

Cooking class
Dinner and Wine
Starred chef

" The bad guys live to eat and drink, while the good guys eat and drink to live."

With the Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens box set, Golden moments offers you the opportunity to participate in a cooking workshop where you can learn or deepen your skills on Greek cuisine.

What are you waiting for to treat yourself to this experience?
Enjoy a glass of Greek wine, while the menu for your Greek cooking class is presented to you and a starred chef will take care of explaining all the steps to be able to immerse yourself completely in the local Greek cuisine.

For more information you can call (+39)0294.7592.89 or send an e-mail to Alternatively, you can contact us via Live Chat.

  • Prezzo 84,00 €
  • Quantità:
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Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens
Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens
Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens
Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens
Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens
Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens

Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens:  

 The experience

Immerse yourself in the world of Greek cuisine for an 1.5 h with the Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens box set and indulge in a traditional Greek meal created by you and your loved ones, under the guidance of a chef with experience in starred restaurants Michelin and winner of 3rd place in the "Top Chef" of Greece.

Meanwhile also enjoy a glass of Greek wine, as you are presented with the menu of your Greek cooking class.

In this course you will cook with the best quality ingredients and learn to make:

  • the traditional pork gyros in a warm pita wrap
  • a delicious greek salad
  • the tzatziki sauce, the traditional greek sauce based on cucumbers and garlic.

Important information

If you don't eat pork or have any other dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
The menu is standard so if asked last minute there is an extra charge.

What is included

All food and drinks mentioned.

What is not included

Everything that is not specified in the previous sections.


The course is only available midweek, not on weekends

Session Length

The course will last an hour and a half.


The package is for 2 people.



Codice : GR10067344

Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens:

Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens: Disponibilità

The course is only available midweek, not on weekends

Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens: Curiosità

Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens: Non sono ancora sicuro

Guided Greek Cooking Class with Dinner and Wine in Athens: Restrizioni

The activity is not suitable for children under the age of 5.
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  • Prezzo 84,00 €
  • Quantità:
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